About CuddeLink


  • Cameras automatically connect and send images from up to 23 Remote cameras to 1 Home camera. SO INSTEAD OF CHECKING MULTIPLE CAMERAS, YOU ONLY CHECK 1.
  • CAMERA-TO-CAMERA RANGE IS UP TO ½ MILE IN THE WOODS (¼ mile is typical) and over 1 mile in open terrain.
  • Camera’s will automatically daisy chain to extend their range, allowing camera deployment on property FROM 40 ACRES TO OVER 1000 ACRES.
  • Cameras can operate for up to 3 months on their batteries. ALLOWING YOU MONTHS WITHOUT CHECKING THE CAMERA OR DISTURBING GAME. Auxiliary batteries and solar power is available to extend battery life indefinitely.
  • To maximize performance CUDDELINK™ TRANSMITS HIGH QUALITY THUMBNAIL IMAGES. The original full resolution images are retained on the Remote camera’s SD card.


  • CONVENIENCE – Home cameras can be placed close to deer camp or near property entry points, making it fast and simple to collect trail camera photos.
  • FREQUENCY – Since you only have to check 1 camera and this camera can be conveniently placed, you are able to check trail camera photos more often.
  • NO INTRUSION – CuddeLink® allows you to check trail cameras photos without disrupting your property, deer and/or other game animals.
  • NO SOUND – If you don’t intrude, you don’t startle the animals with sound.
  • NO HUMAN SCENT – If you don’t intrude, you don’t leave any human scent.
  • NO FEES - CuddeLink® proprietary wireless technology does not have a monthly fee.

Hills or Long Range - No Problem